10s 10s 10s across the board!
Not a single word wasted.
“No emotion is more indulgent than feeling that you are intensely human’ she thinks, ‘though it can also be the most tyrannical”
This is dark, funny, queer and I did not want it to end.
We follow our protagonist, Boulder, from Rotterdam to Reykjavik and from working as kitchen staff on a boat to a passionate love affair with a woman who works on the shore. She uproots her life to be with her in Iceland when her partner then says she was a child. To say Boulder is not thrilled would be an understatement. She agrees… reluctantly… and we see how her perception of her partner changes with a child - identities of mother and lover seemingly at odds with one another, at least in her mind, and the complicated, layered internal and external conflicts that then emerge.
“Time has set its sights on us and slowly worn us down, sharpening its teeth on our bodies”
You must read this. Read it now! Go!