Crucified for Being Gay?
Seven people have been sentenced to death in Yemen by stoning and two by crucifixion.13 students in Yemen have been sentenced to death for ”homosexual crimes”. That’s on top of another 13 people sentenced to death for “spreading homosexuality” as well as many more sent to prison or to punishments (or to call it out for what it is, forms of torture) such as flogging purposefully designed to instil fear on the population in the hope that it will be some sort of deterrant against crimes such as “homosexuality”, “spreading immorality” and “immoral acts.
This is a reminder that 64 countries or about 1/3 of the countries in the world still criminalises homosexuality. The death penality remains the punishment in countries such as Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and in some parts of Nigeria, and maybe even more as there are countries where the status of the death penalty is not clear (such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia, and the United Arab Emirates).
The fight of equality continues.